My Fabulous Four
I'd like to take the opportunity to tell you how my path lead me to four incredible individuals who assisted me in completing my project.

My friend and editor: Laura Gardash
I just happened to be discussing my book to a friend one day and mentioned that my next step was finding an editor. She told me that her best friend from university was an editor for a major corporation and might be able to help me. I called her to set up a meeting and once she read my partially completed manuscript, she agreed to be a part of my quest. Laura, thank you for all of your insight and guidance. You have been such a crucial part of my growth as an author and without you, "Something To Believe In" would have never come to fruition.

My friend and graphic designer: Neil Townsend
Neil is one of the father's at the daycare I work at. I am privileged to be a part of his children's lives and it is because of them that I was fortunate to meet him. We happened to start talking about the progress of my book and I asked him for some advice on how I should design the cover. Without hesitation, he took it upon himself to come up with two examples for me. His suggestions were so simple yet so brilliant, that I didn't have to even think about it. I sent him my choice and I was speechless when I opened the box and pulled out my first copy. In addition, Neil created my web-site and has assisted me with all the promotional elements involved in this project. Thank you Neil for your honesty and ingenious ideas.

As I read through my story, I kept getting visions of each chapter in my head. The words formed beautiful pictures and I decided to have an art collection made to illustrate pivotal moments in my book. I met with a photographer and a tattoo artist to see if they could depict the passion of my words in a visual form. The outcome of this idea was to auction off the artwork for charity.

My friend and photographer: Maciek Drozdzik
I have known Maciek for many years and have always been impressed by his exceptional talent. I have watched him grow as an artist with profound ideas. I gave him a copy of my book and before I had the chance to tell him what I wanted to do, he told me that he'd love to take photographs of certain situations that took place in my book. It was then that I mentioned my idea for the art collection and he was in! The beauty he captured in each shot was priceless. Thank you Maciek for being who you are to me.

Many of the photographs I had in mind were too difficult to capture, and that was when my brother introduced me to this tattoo artist that he knew.

My friend and illustrator: Kieran Hassey
I sat with Kieran and his wife for almost three hours as I presented my idea for an art collection to represent my book. As I looked around their shop, I was overwhelmed by his talent. Kieran's walls were covered in water paintings and each one was breathtaking. He was elated by my request knowing that the passion he puts into his work, was the same passion I put into my writing. He mentioned that he wanted to pursue something more than tattooing and that he would be very interested in being a part of my project. I described each chapter and gave him an idea of how I wanted him to illustrate it. Just his sketches alone brought tears to my eyes. Thank you Kieran for such captivating pieces and for all of the wonderful energy I see in your paintings.

I wish all of you lives full of love and laughter and I hope you know how grateful I am to have met you all on my journey through this life time.

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